My Angle

By myangle

My Mate Brad

Meet my best friend Brad. A nicer bloke you couldn't meet. We have had lots of adventures together.

Brad and his wife and their 11 month old little girl, Olivia went out with us for Pizza tonight. It was a good meal. Brad and I are going out on the Bay fishing in the morning so there was much to discuss.

1/125th sec, f10, 200ISO, 28-105mm lens @ 80mm, Bounce flash, Canon 350D

Major stress at work yesterday. My boss came to me at the 11th hour and told me I couldn't go to college for 5 weeks starting Monday. Long story but I have to go, and he has to let me. So we are at an impass which is simmering over the weekend. I will win this one and go to college, but will I be working for him on Tuesday? I hope so. I love my job, but getting fully qualified is sadly more important than job satisfaction right now. When I am qualified I will be able to choose my position in the printing industry. It is causing me stress. I hate an unfinished arguement.

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