
By Katy8

There is no such thing.........

I had trouble getting to sleep last night...excited about the early morning arrival of hubby and daughter....and so I was leafing through a landscape vision book which includes work by Joe Cornish. I was reading a section where he explain in his view there is no such thing as bad weather.
Photographically I have to agree. The light is amazing. This was taken as a storm rolled in over Terrigal at sunset this evening and the bounce of colour was beautiful. Another advantage was that all that cloud did a great job of evening out the light. It started a deep mauve and went an amazing pink. This is the real colour.
I got more than a little wet as it rained and I know I need to make sure I prepare better for the elements, especially as winter rolls on and temperatures drop. I dislike being wet and cold intensely and so I honestly believe from that point of view there is certainly "bad" weather!
I really liked the way the cloud bank echoed the angles of the rock shelf and also the way the standing water reflected back the beautiful pinks!
However, when looking at the pics once I got home , I really do have to agree regarding bad weather....there is no such thing!

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