
By OldTimer

How's That for Bright

Well back home tonight from my three day patchwork weekend. Have done two back blips for Friday and Saturday. What sewing we have packed into those three days of early mornings and late nights. Your time is your own so you sew for as long as you like and when you like. Great to be sewing with talented people all around you happy to help and share ideas .
This would have to be the brightest quilt I have ever made and sure is in your face. It still has to be bordered backed and quilted and this is just a pic of the centre of the quilt.
If you look back on my Friday blip it shows you the strips I started with. As well as this and the quilt top for my son (Sat. Blip) I made a fancy apron and oven cloth set, thinking ahead to Christmas presents.
Sorry about no commenting but early tomorrow am I am back off to Dunedin to see my sister. She is going to have 10 treatments of Radiotherapy to try and alleviate some of the discomfort but her time is fairly short so will have to get in as many visits as I can.
Photography meeting tomorrow night and need to be back for that as Rainie and I do the competition. Six hours driving in total so must get to bed and get some much needed rest in.
Hope you all had a good weekend

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