Best Birthday Bash!

Our friend K and his wife M really know how to throw a party, as evidenced by K's 60th birthday celebration Sunday evening!

In addition to working full-time, K plays oboe and English horn in the Whatcom Symphony Orchestra, and for his second "Plays Well with Others" party, he gathered together an eclectic group of musicians, including several of his WSO colleagues, two superb sopranos from Western Washington University's music department, several members of the local klezmer band (K plays in that too), and jazz folks in the area to perform a wide range of works that featured his instruments.

It was an amazing evening of music -- Handel, Bach, Mozart, and Haydn were on the program, and so were Victor Herbert, Astor Piazzola, and several Brazilian composers. In lieu of gifts, K encouraged donations to the Whatcom Symphony's Outreach Program, which provides in-school and extracurricular music programs, as well as an instrument loan program, for children in Whatcom County, much needed after so many cuts to arts education in the schools.

Happy 60th, K -- your birthday bash will bring even more music into our community for years to come!

(Don't miss his amazing chocolate birthday cake -- I'll wager you've never seen one like this before!)

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