
By jac1954

Alpine Dianthus

Such a beautiful little flower on this plant
this grows in one of my many mini gardens that I started last year,
I have several tiny plants
they are so delicate and if you can get close they even have a strong perfume too.

For the Swallow fans Ron and Mabel are doing fine Mable only goes out for a swift flight now and again.
Ron is a strong defender of the nest,
he took on the two Magpies the other evening dive bombing them till they flew off good for him I don't want to see anything happen to them before they are even born.
I think the Magpie boys as I call them are young and don't know what to do with themselves yet,they did start to take an interest in the garage so I closed the door and the Swallows go in and out from the roof rafters that lead into my greenleantohouse lol.
It is my second daughters 30th today so I have tried to make it a bit special for her
our spare part of the day has been taken up by the carnival float think we have it dismantled at last rubbed down a bit. needs to dry completely then we will water proof it. been to see a lovely lady who has donated some time and materials to make a Cinderella coach that is our aim for now baby blue and white with lots of sparkly bits.
Still got the sore throat and bit of a cough.

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