To the Bitter End

It is a gratefully received rainy day again today. I went out with the bridge camera again this morning and was easily able to isolate images such as this. Here and there are lone, battle scarred, post autumn leaves who have seemingly lost the will to drop.

For what it's worth, I feel that I am getting pretty familiar with the superzoom by now. In most respects it is doing everything that I would ask of it and in some ways it's actually exceeding expectations. In general photography - while its controls are nicely responsive - its setting defaults and control locations tend to slow me up. For example access to essential things like exposure compensation are really quite ham fisted and then while in aperture priority mode, it is quite difficult to change the aperture without changing the EV value because it's all done with a single control. So you then have to waste time sorting the mess out before you can take the next shot.

While its EVF is a big advance on most bridge cameras, it seems, it is still a good way short of what the best DSLMs (like the OMD series) can provide - especially with no live histogram.

Anyway, having blurted all that out, I have to admit it is clearly able to do what I bought it to do. What more can I ask?

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