wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Open at last

This is a type of ajuga. I blipped the bud the other day. bud
I worked today and had a rehearsal tonight.
There are 32 members (34 with the conductor and accompanist) flying to Champaign Urbana Illinois in July for the Sister Singers Festival. We are so excited.
This is different than our band. The band members are from our chorus, Women in Harmony. However we are not connected with them.
We are flying from Boston to Chicago, then to Urbana. I can not wait. The Pretty Girl Posse will be traveling mostly together. That poor airline. I am determined not to get into trouble. I also will be wearing my pink sneakers and a purple hoodie (yes I am ). So if you see someone wandering around lost.....that would be me.
There are workshops and concerts every night. i would never think of escaping and exploring around because my conductor the wonderful and awesome Kitty Beller McKenna is probably reading this. So I will be journaling this adventure as I did on Facebook last year when my band went to the annual meeting of the Sister Singers.

We took some gummy bears hostage on the way and wore Burger King crowns. It was a great time and we bonded.
We always have adventure a when we are together. There was the time we won the Maine competition for Xfactor and were sent to Rhode Island. We had an absolute riot. I will tell the stories some time. One involves a fake bum and two pair of spanx. But I digress. Six auditions and a great time.
So be prepared to read about another adventure in July. I am beside myself with excitement. Just think of the trouble we won't be getting in!!!!!
400 is early so......
Goodnight and g'day to my Southern Hemisphere friends!

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