Oot the windae

Yes? This time I decided; No. But, not on the Independence debate. That's a definite Yes...

So, I had this quandary.

I saw a job in Zurich, which pays 2 times what I get here and another job there too for 3 times what I get here.

I thought What the hell! Whap yer CV in, see what happens.

They called back yesterday. Gave me a brief phone interview and said they wanted to put me forward for the higher rate job.

What this would mean, if I got it, is at the very least, being in Zurich Monday to Friday every week, it'd also mean having my mortgage paid off in 3 or 4 years rather than the 25 years I have on the new re-mortgage.

But, over the course of picking my kids up last night from afterschool club, cycling home, having tea with them, teaching my daughter ukulele, my son guitar, reading them stories, tucking them up in bed, seeing the wee fuckers as they lay peacefully in bed, me later battling with a wee moose as they slept and then physically describing said epic battle with the wee moose this morning to them and having them rolling about the livingroom in stitches, my mind was made up.

Fuck money. This time I have, we have, with our kids, no amount of cash in the world can ever get you out of that debt. Once you withdraw on that overdraft; it's permanent. You can never pay it back.

Yeah, we can make up for lost time. But, it's never gonna be the same.

I'm going to be there for them, this is something that has always defined me as a father, in my eyes. And, I believe it's key to them being the happy, balanced we feckers they are today.

And, if I were to have more kids one day, I would want exactly the same for them. I have spent years learning to become a good dad, being a good dad. This does come naturally to me, in my opinion, so it's never been a massive learning curve to be truthful.

I'm not about to change that proven formula.

Am I mental?

More importantly though, it's all fucking moot because I would never have gotten the higher rate managerial job, I just don't have the previously held position experience although I could probably do the job as I've done it stand-in a few times. And the Test Lead job possibility is only a generous 50/50 chance.

Me, getting carried away with myself again and unintentionally winding folk up.

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