Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

And the winner is....

What a beautiful summer's day - sunny and hot! Almost too hot for Sports Day at Thomas' school. It was a lovely scene with parents who came to support looking very summery in shorts and t shirts, and the boys in their brightly coloured house t shirts - all that was missing was the Pimms!

I took many photos but loved this one - this lad is a very good athlete and here he is coming in to win the 800m race. The determination shows on his face, and in that heat plenty of determination was needed.

Other pleasing news is that the resident swan couple who live on the River Mole that flows through the village have had about five cygnets. Last year poor mummy swan sat on her eggs for ages and then there were no babies - I think a fox ate the eggs. So this year it was a happier ending for them.

After being at Sports Day all afternoon, Thomas then had two music lessons (one for aural and one for piano) so we only got home late, and he was hot, tired and hungry. Tomorrow he has a very exciting afternoon...he has been invited to a master class with Crispin Steele-Perkins, one of the world's most famous trumpet soloists. A wonderful opportunity for him and maybe I get to take a photo of them!

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