The Life of Bri

By bri

Busy day

Up at six to go to another horse show. Quick walk for Nevis in blazing summer sunshine before setting off. Sadly Mrs B's Scottish geography is not her strong point, so the show 'near West Calder' turned out to be in the heart of Lanarkshire - about 30 miles further away - which takes some time with a horse trailer with two large horses in it.

After her 2 classes (a third and a fourth, big hand please) I left her to wait for her friend's classes and drove home. Picked up Nevis, then popped into meet the Blue Dragon and deliver a print of my poppy. Unfortunately I couldn't stay long, so we missed the opportunity to blip each other.

Then it was on to Nevis's dogagility. Lovely day for it, and he was a superstar most of the time - except of course for the one time he couldn't be bothered and ran off round the field.

Feeling summery on the way back and no lunch yet so stopped off to buy some strawberries from a roadside stall.

Ate half the punnet on the way home. Which along with the two bacon butties, bottle of apple juice and three cups of tea has given my digestive system a busy day too.

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