A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum

"Reprehensible? Moi?"

To say that some of the citizens of Monrovia have been less than enamoured by the shenanigans of the majority of the current bunch of County Commissioners, would be an understatement.

One of them was quoted in the paper today...
"Young said a majority of the party-switchers will probably be voting for his opponents,. However, he takes issue with efforts to use party changes to knock him out before the general election."I think it's reprehensible for them to try to hijack the Republican primary," Young said."

Fortunately for us the primaries are coming up and early voting is already under way, and luckily for me, one of the early voting centers is in the library where I work. After work I trotted over there and was proud to be one of the "reprehensibles". I even got a sticker!

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