The Street Where I live

Today Leith Walk was colonised by life-size B&W portraits of "some of Leith’s most colourful characters and everyday heroes", which have been fixed to advertising hoardings and shop windows.

The Leith Walkers project was thought up by a local amateur photographer, who began taking pictures of strangers on his lunch break. He apparently "approached eccentric and intimidating-looking people asking for permission to take their picture", and ended up with Council funding to turn it into an exhibition.

Newspaper article here and some of the photos here.

It's a great idea, but I'm wondering why didn't I think of it first, and more importantly, why has he not asked me yet for my photo? As Princess Dwalletta of Leith, I feel I should have at least been consulted.

I consoled myself with a bunch of half-price fading peonies, which I then faded a bit more.

Leith Walk Song (I couldn't resist using this one again)

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