Keep Up!

~Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it ~

When I was between the ages of 8 and 18 I played football.
I loved it with a passion.
I played in the school team until I went to high school when it was not allowed to have girls in a boys team.
I played in the street, I played on sports fields.
I played on the rough ground beside the local golf course and the Police used to come up and shine their headlights on the "pitch" for us to play.
I always played with the boys.
Girls football was discouraged and as soon as I became more "womanly" in appearance, my days were numbered..
I played intermittently at University in between studying, illness and injury but never regained any momentum.

How amazing that now, girls football is being actively promoted and supported.

Girls play with skills equal to the boys but what they perhaps lack in physicality, they excel in sportsmanship, teamwork and intelligent play - no greedy ball hoggers!

Today Niamh played in a Football Festival in Perth.
They played almost constantly for three hours without a grumble.
They had fun.
They were supported by an amazing coach who is not only a great support and encouragement but also a fantastic role model.

I still love to watch football from the touchlines and I still love the feel of a ball at my feet.

So does Grandpa in today's Blip!

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