Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Magpie Goose

Aperture Priority: Day 1

I had decided that as my 14 day challenge had come to an end yesterday I would take the advice of many very experienced blippers and have a week of setting my camera on Aperture Priority.

My Camera told me this:  APERTURE PRIORITY - Adjusts aperture to change the range in focus and amount of background blur.  Small value blurs front and back, and large value makes even background in focus!!!  Oh, that sounds great, I'll have to give that a go!

There is a wonderful Botanical Garden in Bundaberg and I headed off there this morning to take an image of "Hinkler House".  It's a very interesting building that was brought to Bundaberg 30 years ago tomorrow from Southampton in the UK.  It's the home of Aviator Bert Hinkler.  Now I have to say I was really pleased with the images I took of the house and the information I had gathered to add to my Blip today.  

Of course that all came unstuck when I ventured down to the water bird area and found myself surrounded by the most exquisite bird life.   When I looked at my images tonight I had to make a huge decision and CCN put into perspective.  Which image will be very hard to repeat!  Simple really.

So here my blipper friends I introduce to you the Magpie Goose.  A Goose that is rarely seen in the area.  He was sitting (yes I did say sitting) in a tree high above the lake.  I was thrilled when I got home and saw this photo.  I don't know that I'll see a Magpie Goose sitting in a tree again, so this is my blip for today!!

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