The Marina - Havelock

A number of our Camera Club members drove the 42 kms to the township of Havelock for a field trip today. Although small in number, the group exuded enthusiasm. We had three brand new members with us and it was great to have the chance for us all to get to know each other.
Wonderful images abounded at every turn. We wandered around and amongst the boats of all shapes and sizes moored in the marina. Coffee and muffins was enjoyed for morning tea at the “Slip Inn”, a wonderful café right next to the boat ramp.
Then we drove a short distance and took the track along The Mole, a built-up tongue of land parallel to the marina basin. This area has been extensively planted with native shrubs, plants and trees and provides areas in the inter-tidal zone for colonies of various birds. We saw white faced herons, variable oyster catchers, pied oyster catchers, pied stilts, black swans and juvenile godwits (which are wintering over here rather than joining the annual migration to the other side of the world). There were many ducks of different breeds and also land based birds aplenty. A birders paradise. I would like to return soon but with an 80-400mm lens!
Some of us finished off the day with a picnic lunch in an attractive spot beside the water…. Our new members thoroughly enjoyed their first field trip and understand the value of such outings.

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