Camel Country

By Bevie

Seaside view

As a woman, having a child changes many aspects of our lives. Hormones, nine months of carrying, body changes, mood changes, life view changes, the list goes on and on, but what about a man, the father of the child?

Do we stop and think of what is going on there ... Surely there must be things that are happening both internally and externally with him too.

But what about the man, and his journey to fatherhood? It actually begins when the future father is born and experiences his own father. His own father is an example, a mirror of his own journey.

Later in life when that young man accepts the responsibility of becoming a father, he starts his next journey of building a relationship with his own child.

Many things change within the man, his concept of self, his interactions with the outside world, work and the home. Becoming a father changes things on the home front, perhaps sharing tasks, not shared before, becoming more part of a family, a wholesome unit, your own tribe.

The relaxing days of not having a care in the world practically vanish and now future planning, care, concern, wellbeing and protection must be high on the list. The once idealist views of the man change very quickly into realistic ones. The man in essence must become more mature, stronger and more driven.

So let's stop for just a moment and think of our men and the changes they too undergo while becoming a father ....

Quote of the day ~
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.
~ Jim Valvano

Fact of the day ~
Lions are the only big cats that live in large groups. They have the loudest roar of any cat, which can be heard up to five miles away.

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