Not a Father's Day in the Land of Oz

Ours will be on 7 September, just to be different and confusing for somebody (a Pole), who always celebrated the day on 23 June, rain or shine, not a Sunday.

What's also confusing, and not just for me, but for many plants, is Australian winter. In my head winter is not for flowering. Not here though. My own gated soaks in the water and goes mad at it. Lavender, irises, lantana and a few others are in bloom. This orange climber is not mine, thank goodness, it took over half of the property on my street. But it looks beautiful and attracts bees as well.

Today was a quieter day with a bit of shopping and a party for 10 year olds thrown in. In the evening 5th Harry Potter (we are on the roll), heating on full blast, pork roast, typical winter entertainment.

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