S1 - Another Day

By S1

Dilated eyes again

Today was CJ's turn to have an eye appointment - this time it was at the eye hospital.

So, this morning we headed off to soft-play to burn some energy before the appointment. After a quick lunch we headed off to find the hospital and parking.

Once there we didn't have to wait long before he was taken through for his first set of tests. And yet again he was amazingly well behaved and followed the instructions given. The only time he misbehaved was when he decided the patch had been covering one of his eye for long enough - luckily S2's hands made good patches, so we could test the other eye.

Then the dilating drops where added and we waited for them to take effect before heading in for the second lot of tests. With biscuit in hand, CJ behaved again and they were able to get very accurate measurements.

Unfortunately, they want to see him again in 2 months to check how things are going. It's great that they are keeping such a close watch over his progress but it does mean we are going to have a lot of trips to the hospital.

But he was happy to get a special treat of an ice cream once we got home!

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