Letters to a soldier

By Jessie0908

Noah's Christening and future plans

On Sunday Noah was christened, it was a truly beautiful day and Noah behaved absolutely brilliantly. He was fantastic throughout and is loved so much. Everyone looked stunning for the day, and my mum prepared so much gorgeous food. It was lovely :)
Noah has also slept through every night for the last 9 nights now. At least 8 hours every night and Dan and me are feeling brilliant for it.
Before now I've only posted on here on the odd, rare occasion but this will change.
On Sunday Dan is leaving us for 6 months, this is to complete his army training. Obviously leaving a 12 week old baby will be beyond difficult and so I will be completing mine and Noah's diary of the time Dans away to keep him in the loop of everything we're doing while he's gone.
For now though we're enjoying every second of being together as a family and have got some fun things planned like a trip to the beach and taking Noah swimming for the first time.

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