Falling behind...

Poor Biscuit... There is no way he can keep up with the bigger and stronger Border Collies, when they swim. I don't think it bothers him though. He doesn't really want the toy, he just swims out there to make sure the Border Collies behave. Our own little policeman keeping order of everyone ;-)

The boys have had a fabulous day!

We went for a morning walk in the Academy Garden. It was a beautiful morning and we really enjoyed it.

Then I met my colleague Sabine in Pedersborg and we drove together (in my car with the boys in the back) up north to Hillerød, to meet a young man, who might move into the home that I am the manager of.
We arrived early, so Sabine and I took the boys for a 30 mins walk.

The meeting lasted about an hour and then we drove back to Sorø. I left work at 4 pm and took the boys to the lake for a swim.

Now we'r home and looking forward to a restful evening :-)

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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