Life without phones/internet

20 years ago Ann was living in Spain – without a mobile phone, without an email address and without any internet connection. And without me!!! How on earth did she keep in touch with her family back home??? By good old snail mail that is how!!! Letters from Spain in 1994 could take more than a week to get back to the UK.

Our landline died on Saturday well it might have died before that ‘cos we don’t actually use it that often. Ann phoned BT and spoke to someone in a call centre in India (??) who said it couldn’t be fixed before Thursday and we might begin to experience problems with our broadband.

We are now experiencing problems with our broadband connection. Grrrrrrrr..................

Haven't a clue if this will post?!!

But what do you think BLIPPERS:

Was life simpler without technology???


Is it better to record every second of our life on social media and be contactable 24/7???

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