Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Garden Foxgloves

Met with Mom's social worker and the care home manager at lunchtime today to discuss options for her continuing care. Now have a way forward that will ensure her continued care. Anyone who has been involved in arranging care for a parent to take up resindence in a home will know that it is not simple. Looks like a lot of effort is still required before the finances are sorted out.

Got home again without even a thought to a blip, so walked into the garden on the look out for something even half decent. I'm still experimenting with the Lensbaby; I think I am getting too close most of the time so tried a shot from further away.

I feel bad that I am not commenting on many of your journals. I know I'm struggling at the moment, so many thanks for your continued interest in mine.

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