
I promise I'll stop.



Up with the larks to collect FT via the car wash* and went to visit Damnonii. The best maltesers cake ever, coffee and a blether. Lovely to catch up.

D gave me the best pressie... it's a little notebook and it's perfect! That lady has the greatest taste with ever so much thought. Tickled!

Now Barney has a visitors book! I'm well aware that I'm beyond ridiculous, no need to point it out! I've made everyone write in the notebook. I've a couple to catch up with from Friday rest assured I'll get them! and then he'll have a full visitor history. *grins*

Went to visit friends for a birthday celebration. The tomato soup was delish... I might give that a bash! Great to see everyone too. I like house parties.

I love going to visit people who have such welcoming homes. You turn up, you make yourself at home and you sort of turn into a little extra person in their families. You can rake through the kitchen cupboards like you would at home, switch on the kettle and poke around in the fridge. They're the best kind of friends.

Notwithstanding the whole bird shit incidents, I love my car. I said yesterday that I've always loved having a car. I've never loved my car. Till now. ❤️

*if the seagulls don't stop shitting all over Barney I'm buying him a coat! not going to be happy and I may be buying shares in the hunky young men who give you a proper rub down for six and a half quid!

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