
By SeaGypsy49

Strange looking fungi.

I saw this fungi on the bank of our driveway yesterday, but the statue had to go up. So this is it for today, haven't got a clue what it is, and I don't remember seeing anything like this before.
I finally filed my application for my Superannuation (Old Age Pension) as I am due for it in September. Is this the down hill decline? or the beginning of a new era! I am looking at it, as a new era of my life.
A big plus today, I finally got the three books that I had ordered from Canada, written by Freeman Patterson (after he had done a workshop next door to us this year).
They had been posted surface mail on 19th March, (got an extra book by doing that) but should not have taken this long. Our mailman was quite shocked when he heard when they were posted. Anyway, they are finally here, and I haven't even managed to have a look at any of them yet.
Been busy ticking off all the things that need doing before we go on holiday.
Now I am off to check out the new books and get some inspiration. Then I will have to cook dinner.....

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