Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Yet another beautiful Tuscan morning … and there’s definitely a trend. Morning sun, turning overcast id morning, (torrential) rain midafternoon, then often clearing in the evening.

Today most of the group went to Florence on another cultural expedition Technically, we should have gone, but we all felt a “day off” was in order. A need to get chores done, like washing, given we’re back camping in 2 days time. Catch up on photos, blogs and (home)work. Squeezed in around that was a visit to the San Gimignano market …

After yesterday market experience, I was prepared. And yes, clothes were again the major feature, but there were just enough food stalls to keep us going … four of which were serving Porchetta Tuscana, basically, roasted pig in a fresh Italian Panini. A euro more expensive than yesterday at 4 euro, but seriously amazing. Unbelievably tasty! Bought half a kilo for dinner, it’s that good.

Lots of food buying for tonight, then a slow walk back to the car via pizza, gelato and wine shops. Of course!

An afternoon of catching up on blogs and work, a swim, drinks by the pool as the sunset. All very Tuscan and beautiful.

And the archer? Well, the kids have an obsession with “bows and arrows”, wooden arrows. If you’ve read Hunger Games, you’ll know about Katniss. As do many kids … And in medieval Italy, Katniss is alive and well.

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