Sunset at Barnbogle Castle

What wonderful weather we are having. Another morning walk in the sun before it got too hot. Just lazed about in the garden. In the afternoon the Humans went away dressed in black. Sadly that meant they were going to a funeral. The back up was back shift but joined them in uniform at the crematorium. It was a retired policeman that had died. There was a really good turn out as he was a very well thought of man. When my Humans came back we went over to the Bungalow to feed and walk Dan. The back up was out at Dalmeny estate doing some training with Cali and her new friend Harper. Harper and her Human graduated last week and are working with Cali Dog and the back up so they can show them the ropes.

The blip is of Cali with Barnbogle castle in the background as the sun was setting. A quiet end to a sad day. RIP retired Chief Superintendent Alistair Campbell.
Luv Ginnie Xx.

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