Lungo Lago Lenno

When we walk down to the Lake from the apartment there are several points in Lenno at which we can come out onto the "Lungo Lago", generally we come out here, and apart from the Lake itself one of the first sights which greets us is the Fabbrica del Gelato (Ice Cream shop) I believe this is one of the best ice cream shops in the area, and possibly one of the best I have come across anywhere.

Arriving in Lenno as we did at the start of May, and having stayed here about six weeks now, we have seen the arrival of summer. This is probably the best period for the flowers and blooms, everything looks fresh and clean. Next time we are here, in September, things will start to look a bit tired, and by the end of the month there will be hints of autumn.

Today we have had temperatures in the low thirties I should think. The sudden increase in temperature may have slowed us down a bit. Certainly the number of steps completed today will be substantially lower than yesterday.

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