
Buster is getting larger by the day. His horns are growing fast too. Top Ram, he is pushing his weight around and even I have to be careful, even though he can't harm me yet, not to turn my back on him lest he gets the idea that he's dominant. Poor Cocoa is his favourite game and target practice for the inch long daggers on his head. What the ram lamb lacks in the consistent speed of the Spaniel, he makes up for in stealth and persistence.

The dog and the lamb actually play together but, for the ram the game is more serious. I often find the Cocoa jumping in my arms for protection if the game has become too much and his exit over the paddock fence is blocked. Maera has been butted a couple of times when cornered but generally is left alone to get on with her search for voles in the grass without incident.

In hindsight, maybe I ought to have emasculated the ram lambs but I wanted to keep one and hadn't made up my mind as to which, before it was late to do without a vet and anaesthetic.

It will be Rocky that is staying but not for his being the pet lamb. There is a possibility that he may have the same father as the ewe lamb but is unrelated to the two ewes.

i]Just one little note for those that don't know me... please, remember that my dogs and sheep live together. The lamb is chasing the dog and not the other way round! I can't stress enough that even the smallest of dogs 'playing' can frighten a sheep can cause it's death.

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