The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Are you wonky?


won·ky (wngk)
adj. won·ki·er, won·ki·est Chiefly British
1. Shaky; feeble.
2. Wrong; awry.


[Probably alteration of dialectal wanky, alteration of wankle, from Middle English wankel, from Old English wancol, unsteady.]

I'm staying out of it, the wind, the wet and the wuthering.
A night in by the stove, the red and the last of the chocolates.

Tonight a true teacher arrived in our lives. All we know is her first name and that she marks SQA exam papers, (and teaches at a local college).

To say Curlyfries was annoyed that I had arranged this, is true, but the hug I got when he had grown a foot taller, by the time she left, was priceless.

Thanks Jenny!

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