The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Solstice Supper

... or, the party before the party!

CleanSteve went shopping today for my picnic tomorrow, while I waited in for Ish Patel to deliver his wife Daxa's home-made onion bhajis, and caught up with some deskwork. When the bhajis arrived, they smelled so good that I had to sample one immediately! Then I did some gardening in my shorts and t-shirt. This was a mistake, as I must have run into some nettles or brambles, and started itching all over. Talk about "menopausal allergies!" I had a shower, changed, and started cooking a Spanish omelette for tomorrow.

I was just taking a break from fried-potato world and hanging up the washing, when Bob and Mary arrived from the Isle of Wight. We sat down and had a drink, then Mary helped me shred a load of veggies for supper tonight. I was just taking the washing in (loads 1-4) when Jane arrived from London! Steve potted up a load of plants and cleared the table outside.

We had a delightful supper of onion bhajis, Thai chicken salad, raspberry glace and mixed berries, al fresco. Eventually we retired inside for coffee. We could hear sounds of midsummer revels drifting up from the valley beyond the garden, so I suggested a walk. Only Jane was up for it!

Down the narrow path we went, in semi darkness, listening for the stream rushing in the valley bottom. Jane's only been here twice before, and the last time it rained all the time, so she had never been to that spot. It was totally still. Only the sound of the rushing steam could be heard. We walked on up to the high point of the hill, but decided to leave the midsummer revels to the youngsters at the 'rope swing tree' beyond the brow of the hill. Another day, another walk with Jane, I hope.

Back at the house, we talked on a bit longer, then Jane left for her B&B, and Bob and Mary for their room upstairs! I am alone in the dining room with Bob Marley at only 23 23 hours. Whoever gets up earliest tomorrow can give me a lift up the valley to Chalford to collect the 'birthday cake'! But before that, there'll be a few more salads to make, and phone calls to field! I am just happy to be among old friends, to see them again and catch up after far too loong, They accept that I am, at age 50, still in need of the odd bit of help with preparing meals, or requiring a lift to somewhere off the beaten track.

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