Baby Bean

Well ... soon to be a baby bean. And yes, it's raining, again!

Pretty relaxed day with the family all back. Some gardening, weeding, and mowing of lawns. A little shopping, as we're repairing our roof box tomorrow and needed materials. And then it was time for dinner and a relaxing evening. But, Mrs PS and Hannah were play wrestling (as you do), and of course there were tears. Actually, a slightly gashed head. It's not serious but desert is a trip to the doctor and probably one or two stitches.

Adam also decided he wanted to go, maybe to listen to the screaming when the stitches go into Hannah scalp ... Instead, I got to stay and home and briefly venture in the garden in the rain for a photo.

Definitely the better deal ;-)

Edit: just remembered, at the dinner table Adam spontaneously asked Hannah what 1+1 was ... 2 she replied. "Whew" he said, at least her brain is OK -)

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