By wellsforzoe

Changed Times

After 4 weeks of non stop work with us guys in Malawi, one would expect the teams to breathe a sigh of relief after getting rid of the Masungas, and have a rest. Not on Alepha's watch. There was a job to be done so a full days work for everyone.
We needed 2000 banana suckers for an order, we had over 1000 ourselves, so we had to go our, source and buy the rest.
With her business head she saw an opportunity, got everyone on board, from the office staff to herself and got to it.

She writes:
Hi Boss
How was your flight
Today was the most exciting and tiring day.
I,William,Linda,Alfred,Benjamin,Steve,John,Mary,Wezzie,Davie, went to Lukalazi we were bought banana suckers we found 232 and bought them on k90 each
We met a friend of Willam who we have assigned to dig the 1000 bananas for us and we have made a deal with him.
Tomorrow afternoon William and Benjamin will go to Lukalazi to collect an addition 100.
At the same time Laston and the rest will be digging 1000 banana suckers ready for CADECOM on Tuesday
On Monday William and the rest of us will travel to Phwechi about 6-9km from Lukalazi to collect the extra banana suckers
The following are photos taken during the collection,digging,loading,transporting and offioading them at the farm

Best regards.

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