BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles


...Is the best time.

Somehow I managed to get a little drunk last night joining friends in the 10th pub out of 15 on a pub crawl. By the time my girlfriend and I got there most were already worse for wear so we had no chance of catching up. I still managed to get merry and embarrass myself and had a bit of a sore head this morning (I'm glad to be a lightweight).

Today was a gentle relaxing day spent with two very good friends Jo & Si who are enjoying married life. We had afternoon tea at a local hotel, had a lovely evening BBQ and looked through their Wedding and Honeymoon photographs. There were a LOT (about 1000 in total) but I did genuinely enjoy seeing them all, there wedding day photographer does have a great gift of getting great shots.

I did try a shot of Master chef Simon on the BBQ but for various reasons I've not posted (jo knows). So we have my girlfriend Claire on the left and Si's better half Jodie on the right.

I lovely weekend drawing to a close but a three day working week followed by 5 days in Barcelona coming up makes me even more happy.

Thanks for dropping by

Mr Bo Hingles

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