This is from my garden...

I have been enjoying my garden… Today's blip is from my garden since I didn't go to Alacati or Cesme Marina today. I was at home. My husband got back to Istanbul this morning. I have noticed that our two neighbours' husbands got back to the city (Istanbul or Izmir,I don't know) this morning,too… One of them has four and the other has three children… When I was in the university, one of our neighbour would tell us a story about a woman who has three children and has a summerhouse where is away from the city… The woman is deceived by her husband who stays in the city and since he feels very guilty, he buys a golden bracelet for his wife as a gift whenever he goes to their summerhouse to see his wife and children… Hope, my husband won't buy a golden bracelet for me…

Thank you so much for your great feedback for my "Big Contradiction", YOU told exactly what I would like to say, thank you very much…

Have a wonderful week! :-)

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