The Eastern

Another late night at work, another stop off on the way home with the tripod...

I just realised that it was a year ago that Gina was going through a tough time with her health. Amazing how these things pass by so quickly.

Speaking of which - I saw an advert for a programme marking 5 years since Michael Jackson died. This is significant for me as at the time I was in hospital myself, having suffered a mini stroke at the age of 26. Associated with that I lost my sight for around a month. It was pretty scary, but I was lucky that there was no lasting damage to either my sight or my cognitive function.

It was around the time that my vision came back that my interest in photography started to increase. I now spend more time with photos than I do making music. Whether or not that's because of losing my sight I guess I'll never know.

Photos are certainly quieter around a baby though, that's for sure. :)

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