jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Thankful for this bunch. Thankful for grandparents who say "shall we meet at the park for lunch?" and then run around after my kids for three hours while I get some work done. Thankful for the fact that my "office/workroom" today could be a park picnic bench in the sunshine and shade! Thankful that I got a lot figured out and done, thankful that the park visit meant the boys stopped throwing heavy toys at each others' heads for a bit. Thankful for my mum hanging out my wet laundry this afternoon while we were out, thankful for a washing machine to wash it in. Thankful (again) for the grandparents who, while Steve and I sat and escaped to the garden for a short while to just talk and be together, practised the age-old art of Divide and Conquer with the boys and managed a sublimely calm hour before hometime.
Thanks, guys. I appreciate you so much x

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