
By LadyFindhorn

Faux Pas

After managing to bribe Glasgow daughter to volunteer for Bliptogether, I blew it by forgetting to have her hands half way down the photo. Well I could have managed it with photoshop but her head would have been missing. Particularly careless and stupid of me as I am very unlikely to get anyone else to pose for me this week.

His Lordship and I drove through to Glasgow this morning to check on granddaughter Nina's recovery from her eye scare earlier in the week. I'm delighted to say she is back on form although her eyes are not quite back to normal. They're still a bit puffy. My daughter tells me that once Nina could open her eyes in Yorkhill, she found it a fascinating place - there were nurses and patients to watch and large spaces to explore. It seems she was a bit reluctant to leave and return to the quietness of her home. Definitely a future party girl!

My only blip other than the faulty bliptogether one is of the squinty appearance of the stair in Dennistoun. I rather like the interesting angles as seen from the foot- it's a long way up to the top I can tell you!

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