An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

On the inside looking out

Now that Lucy has gone home (and I'm not out dog walking every day, with the photographic opportunities that brings), I have relapsed into my typical Winter blip mode – that is, hardly ever... sorry if I'm a bit absent and non-communicative at the moment. Whole days go by without me so much as looking at blip. Hopefully Spring will re-invigorate me.

But, on a positive note, my washing machine's sickness was diagnosed as fatal, so I have finally ordered a new one and as it's not in stock, that gives me a week to decorate and completely rejuvenate the laundry (or at least the corner the machine goes in). I don't think it's been touched since 1970, when the house was built. I'm currently ripping off the brown tiles above the sink, that I have hated for 12 years. Brown was big in the 70s. I decorated my bedroom with brown flowery Laura Ashley wallpaper... I'd like to think I have a bit more taste now.

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