
We've smiled all day long. After a leisurely start to the morning we wandered down to see 'Slightly Offensive Steve' simply because of his name. The tent was rammed so we moved on to another little tent where a bunch of random lads were singing with audience-tambourine-participation. I think it's fair to say that the lad with the guitar was off his tits. It's also fair to say that I averted my eyes when a cow bell was offered up!

I sent a postcard home. There's so much to see I spend most of my time wandering round in a silent daze observing people. There are so many different faces and personalities wandering round.

The rain started as we were walking through The Park and up to the Healing Fields. Only we weren't in the Healing Field. We were at the viewing fields. We'll try again tomorrow. After Blondie!!

We've made lots of people smile with our giraffe and tiger ponchos. Sarah has chattered to all sorts of people and were invited along to take part in the Animal Parade with a BBC film crew in tow. Haha! I ran a mile in the opposite direction while Sarah would have happily skipped off after them.

We're just soaking in the atmosphere and watching people. Sitting on the grass up in the viewing field, under a brolly watching this lady who we assumed is press, when she caught me and did what any photographer would do and snap me back. I'd quite like to see her shot of us.

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