Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

The Modern Traveler

He sifted through a small stack of documents, then quickly resumed his typing. After a moment, he picked up his phone and had a serious conversation about representing a client in court and various legal ramifications if his call was not returned. Across the way a young woman was equally busy and typing with great intensity. In fact, most occupants of the room were engrossed in their work, and the room hummed with productivity and concentration.

Am I visiting a downtown law firm? A Wall Street office? The library? No, this is our modern traveler at the airport, plugged in, wired up, online, and networked to the hilt. Nary a magazine, newspaper or crossword puzzle in sight. We have instant information at our fingertips 24/7 and most of us feel compelled to fiddle with it continually.

I at least indulged in a big bowl of chicken soba before getting some web work done on my laptop. And once on the plane, I'm strictly magazines and books. (We each picked up a few goodies after visiting The Strand a few days ago.)

Happy Trails, and it's good to be home in the Pacific Northwest!

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