Clark Tales

By cclark

Kicking About

Twas one hot summers night tonight. Only one more day after today left in the office, before a well deserved week off. Tonight I walked home passed St Andrews Square and managed to catch this nugget; a Dad teaching his son to kick a rugby ball. Such an awesome moment.

I was trying to get home in time for the football, but made sure that I went over to Jay's on the way back. Both of our cousins are in hospital this week, although his is a much more serious situation. Luckily it was all good news on both cousin fronts. Mine was to do with Ross, who has been in since Monday suffering a heart problem, he has had his MRI and is now stable and so can go home tomorrow. Phew.

The football was awful, but I went back to my room and the Terminator 2 was on, luckily LB wasn't working so we caught it together, well most of it. It will need to be re-watched, but it looked as awesome, if not better than T1.

C x

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