Friday night at the beach

Today's been a bit of a strange day at work, there's been a few funny goings on, but I won't go into that, it would take too long - all is ok though!

I met my friend Val at lunch time, we sat and had a drink in the sun and had a lovely hour catching up. Then Alan came to meet me after work tonight and we walked down to the beach for drink. We were undecided where to go afterwards, but it was quite windy on the beach so we decided to go to the marina before coming home.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as Pokey Bagel and Emmala are coming down to Brighton for the day, so look out for the blips!

I'm really behind on commenting - I'm finding it difficult now I'm working full time, but I do look at all your entries and I comment where I can, so please bear with me.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

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