Both Sides Now

By issybe

Ferry across the Mersey

Not exactly the best day weather wise to cruise down the ship canal, but we had a good time none the less. My other half being a geek particularly enjoyed and even I have to admit it was kind of interesting!

My vision was however of sun, shades, shorts and a cooling glass of wine .... Instead we had rain, waterproofs, scarf and warming bowls of soup!

The blip is of latchford swing bridge... Numerous times now I have got caught out and needed to wait while the bridge swung open and we had to wait for a boat to go by .... This time I was on the other side and it gave me slight sense of revenge! ;-)

When we got to Liverpool we visited the U boat story which was good but I'm glad we didn't pay full price!

Home now and the sofa and a glass of wine is calling me ......

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