A Selfie made for Two

Tuesday 24th June

"Selfies" are the in-things these days and in lovely gorgeous weather everyone just looks brighter, happier and here, prettier.

A grab shot in the street with long Tamron SP 70-300mm VC zoom, the contrasty light is always difficult but I rather liked the inclusion of the tops of their bikes. I used to love long bike rides at that age and one wonders where they would be riding to before they suddenly had the impulsion for snapping themselves.

Rain, thunder, followed by and interspersed with torrential downpours did try and spoil yesterday's little outing. We wondered why we had chosen that particular day but Des is Stage and Property manager for the current production at his theatre and Sundays is their main construction/painting day as that's when volunteers (as he is) have the time to spend.

Meanwhile, it's Armed Forces Day here in Salisbury, from 11-3pm. Many towns and cities had theirs yesterday and so expect a Blip from this in due course. If you have one going on locally then perhaps it could be your Blip too?

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