Around the Block

By Barrioboy

From the Odeon Hotel Terrace

Our second 'new' terrace in almost as many days, this one in Downtown Cairo and with a slightly less refreshing view than the Nile! Once more we entered a decrepit reception area untouched and almost undusted since its opening in the early part or middle of last century and ascended in a rickety elevator to the tenth floor. Somehow, the lift managed it much to Dd's relief, and we took a few shots and enquired about food and opening hours for another time when it was less sunny. I would really have loved to have visited this área in its heyday and lived a few weeks in the Paris of Africa!

This evening we are off across the city to break the first fast of this Ramadan with an Egyptian family which promises to a fascinating event and hopefully free of police raids, unlike the last time we visited!

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