If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

A Willow Warbler! AT least that is what I make it out to be. Warblers aren't easy unless you have them in your hand or hear the song. I didn't manage either. I think it is an immature Willow warbler, I am basing my decision on the supercilium, Body colour and the shade of the legs. It could be a Chiffchaff but the legs suggest to me Willow Warbler.

If anybody out there knows definitively what it is please tell me.

This was a lucky shot, I was standing at the living room window deciding that the Magnolia we bought was after all in the right position and I should get it planted. When we buy a tree we keep it in its container and try it in place until we are happy we have got it where it should be. Suddenly there in the branches of the magnolia was a warbler. I picked up the camera and snapped. By the time the shot had been written to the card it was gone.

That sighting spurred me on and the magnolia is now well and truly planted.

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