Oh dear!

crisply white, early
something has already been
and taken a bite

Seems to happen to every campanula flower in that position!

Off to work shortly :)

Tonight I will be preparing for my first ever 1-1 early tomorrow morning. I hate them as in the past all of them have not been pleasant but I have been assured that this one will be different. We shall see...

It will be done by both my line manager and her manager as my line manager has never done one before.

At least I have been told that I can take my thoughts along. Before, every one has been just 'at me' :(

I am hoping this will be a positive one (its the first one since last September and we are supposed to have them 4 times a year, but in that time there have been 4 different managers before the new one took over in February) :)

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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