Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Rhododendron blues

Well, the summer was good while it lasted! A dull morning which has turned to light rain, so far not the Very Heavy Rain which was forecast - but give it time!

As the afternoon has been rather Himalayan I thought it appropriate to Blip the new foliage on Rhododendron thomsonii. One of my favourites, this red-flowered species was first introduced by Joseph Hooker from the Sikkim Himalaya in 1850. I am pleased to think that I too have collected seed of this species in the Himalayas of Nepal in 1990 - probably the only thing I have in common with the great man!

He named it after his friend - "To this species I give the name of Dr. Thomas Thomson, surgeon, H. E. I. C. S., late of the Thibetian Mission, son of the learned Professor of Chemistry of Glasgow University, my earliest friend and companion during my College life, and now my valued travelling companion in Eastern Himalaya." What a wonderful tribute!

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