
By BushidoDreams

William Wallace Lubeck Letter

We were recently out for dinner for our friend Makoto's birthday and we made some new friends, Saho & Keith.

Like myself, Saho loves history and we share a fascination with the same period of Japanese history (戦国時代 The Warring States era). However, unlike myself Saho works as a conservatist at The National Archives of Scotland! I've rarely envied anyone's job more!

Saho was kind enough to send me this photo and translation of the Lubeck Letter (which is one of two letters that were in Wallace's posession when he was executed, the other from the King of France is locked up in a vault in Kew, England) along with two moulds of Wallace's seal!

Very happy with this gift. I also hope that one day the other letter will be permanently stored in The National Archives of Scotland, I signed a petition for its return a while back. It is currently on loan to Scotland until some time in 2014.

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