
By GracieG

Behind the High Street

Leighton Buzzard High Street has the usual selection of high street shops with the expected associated shops fronts, but the view behind the high street is much more interesting with a fascinating juxtaposition of roof lines that have evolved over time.

I took this photo from the top of the multi-storey car park, this attracted the attention of a couple of car park security guards who came up to see that I was up to (I suspect I had been seen wielding my trusty camera on their CCTV camera), they didn't challenge me but made a point of walking right past me and looking intently at me.

It was nearly midday and there was high white blanket cloud, does anyone have any tips on how to make such a sky look less 'washed out', I did use a polarising filter and a UV filter, and tired to reduce the 'highlights' in photoshop but I'm still not 100% happy with the result.

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